A not so gentle reminder - HV is unforgiving

David Humbertson daveh at HEREINTOWN.NET
Fri Nov 27 00:47:57 EST 1998

Hi All,
I usually don't post to multiple lists but thought my recent
reminder of the dangers of getting to comfortable around
HV should be shared in the hopes it will prevent someone
else from going through what I just did this eve - OR WORSE.
...Spent most of the day putting the finishing touches on a very
nice SB-200 I just picked up - had put the top shield on and
just had it on the bench "burning in" this evening as my family
and I had our Thanksgiving dinner etc. I went downstairs to my
BA bench to give it a look and for some reason I put my right hand
on the right side, feeling for heat from the bleeder resistors safely
inside. My little finger must have curled under a bit and what
happened next is just a blur as it came in contact with the 2400
volt runner on the outside edge of the PS board - felt like I had
been hit with a sledgehammer. My right little finger split open like
an overcooked hotdog. The amp sounded liked firecrackers
going off and fire came from under the board - I was in too much
of a daze to even turn it off - finally tripped the breakers. After
returning from the emergency room about an hour ago, where I
had a painful session of having skin cut away,etc., I checked the
amp out (yes, my wife could not believe that either), runners burnt
open, most of the bleeders open, meter pointer bent  -- all of this
damage caused by my skin sticking to the board.
.. I have been working with this stuff for 39 years and I know better,
been inside the Collins KW-1, the Johnson KW, T368, and
numerous linears.  I am a radio tech by trade - guess all of this
low voltage stuff can make us forget what is just an inch away.
I certainly am thankful to God for sparing me this time, and I just
wanted to remind all of you how easily and quickly this can
happen - yes I know all about it too, but as I look at my bandaged
hand, I realize we all need a reminder from time to time.
 I realize this may be a bit off topic, so thanks for your time.
...BTW - It sure is hard to type now.
73, Dave - W3NP
Ft. Ashby, WV

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