SB 104 vs SB 104A

Paul K. Dean wb9hgz at CHARLOTTESVILLE.NET
Wed Oct 28 10:07:27 EST 1998

I understand that Heath had some significant problems with various kits
during that era.  The talk in my local club at the time was, "Never buy a
Heathkit that does not sport an 'A' suffix".  I'd heard that there were
significant problems with the HW-2036 as well. (Stories of intermod, spurs,
interference with police communications, etc.)   I own a 2036A and it's a
fairly decent rig, but if you compare the insides to the non-A, you'll find
a whole lot more copper (shielding) in the "A"!  I had even heard a rumor
of a recall on the 2036.  Anyone else aware of that or is it simply folklore?

At 09:04 AM 10/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
>     Dave - Keith Rowland wrote a very good reply to the reflector about
>     the SB-104 vs SB-104A.  I was one of the few who built the first
>     SB-104's.  I was working at Heath at the time and was one of the proof
>     builders who built the first radios (I also proof built the SB-230).
>     There were probably greater than 40 modifications to my original
>     SB-104 and to the accessories (power supply and remote vfo); the only
>     item unchanged was the speaker.  No question - the A model was the
>     best of the lot.  I used this radio for many many years.  That radio
>     had so many modifications one would have a hard time figuring out
>     what's what.  It was always brought in when one of the engineers
>     wanted to "tweak" something.  I never had near the problems Keith has
>     had...but I did have a source of repair and expert fixing.  I really
>     did like the SB-104....I worked WAS twice and DXCC (250)+ countries
>     all with 100 watts...some with 1 watt.  So the A, plus the power
>     supply mods, plus the remote vfo you got a good one.
>     Larry  (KC8JX)
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: SB 104 vs SB 104A
>Author:  David Humbertson <daveh at HEREINTOWN.NET> at Internet
>Date:    10/27/98 6:05 PM
>Hi guys,
>Can someone tell me the difference(s) between the
>straight 104 and the A version. They were popular
>at a time when I was not following Heath gear too
>closely. Is a plain 104 to be avoided if possible?
>73,  Dave - W3NP
>Ft. Ashby, WV
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