Edward Swynar gswynar at DURHAM.NET
Mon Sep 7 15:46:31 EDT 1998

I'm more than a little hesitant about posting the following on this or any
Reflector, because it does NOT relate to any particular Amateur Radio
*hardware*, per se, be it of the "...BA" variety or otherwise. Still, in
all, it DOES relate to an OT rig era that probably pre-dates the birthdays
of most of the subscribers, so for what it's worth, here goes (and please,
no matter how sorely tempted you may be, do NOT ***FLAME*** me for real, or
imagined, transgressions! Tnx).

A good Amateur Radio friend of mine nearby (who is not yet online) recently
received 100+ COMPLETE AND ORIGINAL HAM QSL CARDS from the years 1922-23
(they belonged to the now-deceased grandfather of a working acquaintance of
his). Primarily from the Northeastern & mid-Western U.S.A. & Canada, they
pretty much chronicle the distances a Southern Ontario Amateur could
achieve in those early days.

I have seen these cards myself: they are all in absolutely EXCELLENT
condition, & most have the pre-printed U.S. one penny cancelled stamp on
the address side. The descriptions of the rigs, and the comments of some of
the operators written on the QSLs, make for some very interesting reading
to those of to-day who may be "into" things antique & wireless...

As Ray most assuredly does NOT share these sentiments (he's an avowed
solidstate appliance operator) he would like to sell these
QSLs---individually, by the dozen, complete...ANYTHING---for whatever they
might be worth. I personally have absolutely NO IDEA of their monetary
value, but I can act as a go-between between him, and the good home which
they deserve after all these years...

Many thanks & 73, de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ  <<gswynar at>>

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