Conversion of HG-10, DX-60B

Fred Finster Fred_Finster at EL.NEC.COM
Tue Sep 8 12:38:48 EDT 1998

     Three Ideas to get VFO stability with your HG-10
     Look at their DDS QRP Menu Plus, If you want a stable solid state VFO.
     $149 + $10 shipping US.  You get a LCD display, a 10Hz-40Mhz
     200mv-800mv (into 50Ohm) VFO,  This would give you stability.  Then
     use the Tubes in the DX-60B to amplify the signal for you output.

     Another concept Idea.

     The Cycle Master C7 might be another way to create a Solid State VFO.
     Use a Varactor Diode added in parallel to the tube VFO and the Cycle
     Master to control the voltage to the Varactor and measuring the
     resulting frequency.  This would give you a stable VFO and a frequency
     display.  $79

     A third concept.

     Buy the Blue Sky Engineering Frequency counter
     It uses a PIC chip and measures the frequency and displays on a 4
     digit LCD.   I used the Digital Clock/Counter with a HW-8 VFO and was
     able to track the output frequency from 7.000 to 7.250 with in a
     This made the HW-8 a pleasure to use because you can adjust and
     readjust the VFO to the exact frequency you want and you can notice if
     there is any drift.  $35   They are comming out with a aluminum case
     for this in the next month.  Just the web site in a month.

     Good luck,

     Fred Finster  WB7ODY

     ps.  I think building a solid state rig from one of the Kit manufacturers
would be a pleasureable alternative to extensively modifying a HeathKit.
Implementing the ideas I have presented above would not permanently alter your

        Look at Wilderness radio SST for $85

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Conversion of HG-10, DX-60B
Date:    9/5/98 6:45 AM

Dave, I say hack away!  Down with chirp!  You'll never retire on what
either of these green boxes are worth, even in "pristeen" condition.
Check out the following two attachments from 12/72 QST regarding a
solid-state VF-1.  Could maybe be adapted to HG-10.  Also it could be
undone, down the road.  Please keep us posted.

Myname, (mycall)

> Subject: CONVERSION OF HG-10, DX-60B
> Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 16:03:06 -0400
> From: "david e. furst" <dfurst at EXIS.NET>
> Hi all,
> Don't shoot me but I'd like to convert my HG-10 and DX-60B to solid state
> units.  Anyone who has done so, please email me any appropriate info.  I
> plan on leaving the 6146 in the DX-60.  Several articles in ARRL and other
> books look promising but I am interested in your experiences and hints/tricks.
> Thanks
> Dave

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