Advice on cleaning HW-101 chassis

Mark A Moss reflect.kc8dei at JUNO.COM
Tue Sep 22 21:00:21 EDT 1998

On Tue, 22 Sep 1998 20:35:19 -0500 "W. Kranitz" <kranitzw at EXECPC.COM>
>I used to own a company that repaired musical and other electronics.
>Some of those items were so scuzzy it was almost beyond belief. We
>used to douse the boards with denatured or isopropyl alcohol, then
>tried them wit a fan.
>******Warning******* Do it outside and keep away from flames as
>this is definitely a fire hazard, but it does clean dirt off of
>boards and doesn't take too long to dry.

Be careful when using the above method with transformers, coils, etc.
Where the water left behind as the alcohol evaporates could cause damage.
 I'd say compressed air to blow off loose dust, and then alcohol and
elbow grease would work without as much risk of damage to transformers
and coils.

Mark Moss, KC8DEI
Kalamazoo, MI
Grid EN72eh

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