Ray Mack mack at MAILS.IMED.COM
Wed Sep 30 16:34:15 EDT 1998

A related issue is money orders vs a personal check.  I actually prefer a
personal check when selling.  I have never had a problem with a check being bad
from this or the BA list.  We are a pretty trustworthy bunch.

The reason for my preference is that a money order actually ties up someone's
cash; a check is a promise as soon as it hits the bank.  I have a sale pending
where the money order arrived during the time I was with my father while he had
bypass surgery.  It didn't go well and he just got out last Friday.  During the
same time my father-in-law passed away.  Needless to say, getting the item boxed
and shipped has had to take a back seat.

I have not cashed the money order, but that is no help to the buyer since he had
to pay *cash* for the money order.  Money for a check would still be in his

I have seen a non-trivial number of accounts where family crises happen during a
sale.  Fortunately, I don't think too many feelings have been hurt.  With luck
I'll get that order packed tonight and out tomorrow.

I hesitate to start a non-radio thread, but what do y'all think?

Ray Mack
mack at

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