GC1000 Bidding update

Mike Morris morris at COGENT.NET
Mon Apr 19 00:51:24 EDT 1999

I can guarantee it's not - at least in the RS-232...
I forget - does it display the year on the front panel?

I rememberer seeing a note on a unix newsgroup years ago
that when you hook the GC-1000 to a server (requiring the
optional RS-232 kit) and use it to set the server time
that you should use a certain driver on it, as that
driver masks off the year bits so they are ignored.
I did a little research and discovered that the year bits
are sourced off a set of dipswitches and not the radio
signal - as I recall the unit will go up to 1998...

Maybe the unit can be hardware-modified to decode the
actual transmitted year bits and send them to the RS-232,
but not having a manual I have no way of knowing.
If it's in the microprocessor, we may be screwed - Heath
was big on the Fairchild F8 line for a while, and I no
longer have access to the development system (even if there
was a way to read the program out of one of those chips).
If it's not a F8 family chip then maybe there's a chance...


At 09:14 PM 04/18/99 -0500, you wrote:
>One has to hope that thing is Y2K compliant, huh?
>Buzz, ke0ms

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