Will a real copyright lawyer stand up?

Wed Apr 21 08:55:17 EDT 1999

As this debate rages on, I see the Clintonian influence creeping into it.
Everyone, whether barracks lawyer, sea lawyer, copyright lawyer or lay person
voices their opinion, whether factual or not and then some sort of consensus
is supposed to occur.  Of course this is not likely to happen as each person
feels that their opinion on the subject (and that is just what it is -
opinion -except in the case of the copyright lawyer) is the correct one.
Strong arguments are used to support each position, much as we see on TV Talk
Shows, but it is all HOT air.  The result is much disinformation and
confusion and lots of energy and time expended for nothing.  It seems that
this is a favorite past time these days as I continually see this occurring
particularly in forums which involve large numbers of people.

I prefer to spend my time trying to help someone else or improve my own
skills.  Tnx for the bandwidth.

Dave, WT8R

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