Surface Mount Components in Kits

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr at RADIO.ORG
Thu Apr 22 09:17:09 EDT 1999

On 4/21/99 8:18, Harvey A. Kader at optom at wrote:

>I agree with the statement that was made that kits with surface mount
>components can indeed be built. If that was not the case, then how could
>people repair circuits in equipment with surface mount components?

In the modern electronic era, it is not cost effective to perform a
component-level repair. It's cheaper just to replace the entire
subassembly (circuit board), with a working unit.

In some cases, manufacturers will take subassemblies and perform
component-level repairs, as other warranty/repair workload permits. This
especially for repair parts for products that are no longer in

But, the techs rarely spend a lot of time on such subassemblies. If they
can't fix them quickly, they go into the dumpster and are replaced with
new product.


This is anathema to the cost-conservative amatuer, who will spend
countless hours to repair and refurbish largely obsolete gear....

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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