Michael Shelton sheltonm at PHYSICS.UNC.EDU
Sat Apr 24 07:48:00 EDT 1999

Juast a note to say that I service this stuff here and at home
with very nice results using weller variable temp soldering
stations with the micro grounded pencil's.
 Also use jewelers clips on my glasses to aid in seeing the small
components, but it can be done, have built some stuff using all
SMC'S for detailed projects.
 But I think a company that is thinking a radio kit should stay
with standard components, most of the time and I might eat this
statement, if you built it you should be able to repair it!.
 My first ham setup was a lafayette receiver kit and a ameco
40-80 meter cw transmitter kit. Boy do I wish that I still
had them. Built my first Linear using 6JE6 tubes and RCA tv
transformers. Would like to see Heath back at it? comment Randy?
73's to the group

-Mike   ke4lgx

Michael Shelton
Electronics Technician
The University of North Carolina
CB #3255
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3255
Office: (919) 962-5475
   Fax: (919) 962-0480
Amateur radio callsign: ke4lgx
E-Mail: work: mailto:sheltonm at
        Home: mailto:ke4lgx at

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