WTB: H-11 computer components

al winfrey awinfrey at IQUEST.NET
Fri Feb 12 20:40:33 EST 1999

In addition to enjoying a Mohawk, an Apache, a Marauder and several
other fine Heathkit radios I also have a H-11 (paper tape only) computer
system from the late 70's. I would like to add the Heathkit 8" floppy
disk drives and related software. I think the model of the dual 8"
drives was a WH-47.  These beasts are kind of hard to find and so is the
software and manuals.  I may have to collect a piece at a time to get it
all together.

If you have a component or two, some manuals, documentation or an entire
H-11 system that you'd like to sell, drop me a note with condition and

Al Winfrey - WA9HSL
awinfrey at iquest.net

"a Keeper of the Green"...
and a few other Heath colors too!


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