Heath Kit CR1 Crystal set, Scanned JPEG picture on WEB ...

Fred Finster Fred_Finster at EL.NEC.COM
Fri Jan 29 03:52:36 EST 1999

Subject: Heath Kit  CR1 Crystal set,  Scanned JPEG picture on WEB with Schematic

Hello keepers of the Green.
A while back someone mentioned about wanting a CR1 set.  I don't have the set
but I have scanned three pages out of book "Practical Electronics"  published in
1961 that
shows a photograph of a CR1 and its schematic, plus some other crystal sets.   I
test printed the jpeg files to see if the schematic from the scanned image file
HeathCR1.jpg is readable.   Well, just barely readable from a HP5 SI 600dpi
printer.   So go have a look at   http://members.aol.com/beaglebaly/  or
http://members.aol.com/beaglebaly/crystal_sets/.     Then make your self a laser
print for yourself.   The WEB is wonderful place in making it possible to share
memories and ideas with each other.   Plus fixes for Heathkit radio.    Life is
sure full and engaging.

Other crystal set web sites.
http://www.midnightscience.com/   The  Xtal Set Society has a lot of interesting
links for you to look at too.   Even vendors that sell xtal set kits.
I was intrigued by the soda pop can capacitors that were in the September 1998
73 magazine article about building a "Green Radio" crystal set.
http://www.antique-radio.org/radio.html   Bellingham Washington Antique Radio
Museum    Wireless Telegraphy http://www.antique-radio.org/book/chap5_33.jpg

I can give you a picture for your memories, if you would share what you remember
of using the Heath CR1 crystal radio set in the early sixtys.

There was even an article about building the Heath Apache Transmitter and the
Heath Mohawk receiver on page 14-19 with several photographs of the preassembled
Mohawk front end.   Page 111 contains an article about assembling a Heath O-11
oscilloscope.  Amazing what one comes across when looking back through boxes of
old stuff one has kept around in storage!

Keep those old Glow Bug radios warm and glowing.
Fred Finster  WB7ODY
e-mail:  Fred_Finster at el.nec.com  Web Site  http://members.aol.com/fredf/
Tech Staff Engineer  (408) 588-5726  FAX (408) 588-5464
NEC Electronics Windows CE Architecture Labs
2880 Scott Blvd.  M/S SC2202
PO BOX  58062
Santa Clara  CA 95052-8062

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