6DS4 tubes

Steve Harrison ko0u at OS.COM
Sun Jul 11 18:00:27 EDT 1999

At 03:29 PM 1999-07-11 -0400, Dick Blaney wrote:
>All the Nuvistors I've ever had ran hotter than a...........(you fill
>in the blank) when working.  Possibly you've got an open in your tube
>tester heater circuit to that socket.
>73 de
>Dick, WB8MHE
>wb8mhe at bright.net

The last possibility, so-far unmentioned by anybody, is that he could have
had the settings switch where it would provide a too-high filament voltage,
and that could have blown each nuvistor as he plugged it in. I hope not!
And one would think at least a couple would have lasted long enough for him
to feel it get at least warm, if not downright HOT, in those few seconds of

73, Steve K0XP

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