Heathkit Offer...

Joe Spencer KK5NA at QUADJ.COM
Sat Jun 5 16:01:59 EDT 1999

Hi Gang,
I am posting this for a friend who has an offer for the HEATH group...
Please email him direct... His email is at the end of the text.  Joe KK5NA

   I have over 60 items in my Heathkit files: manuals, reviews,
anthologies, all sorts of things.  But I don't have a thing on a IC-4505
Scope Calibrator, or on a n EU-41A 0-15 volt p/s.

  Everyone gets compassion fatigue over "Manual Needed" posts, so I made
a file of all my Heath stuff and will send it to anyone with the above
infromation to trade.  In truth I'd also send it to any curious party,
but this is not a SPAM and when I sell the original manuals it won't be
below market.  But I do have a lot of interesting, copyable stuff.

  I can send an attached text file or include it in the body of the

de ab5L, Michael In Dallas, MNHopkins at JUNO.com
Box 226841
Dallas, TX  75222

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