Loose Tube Socket Help

Doc Bogner dbogner at CLAND.NET
Thu Jun 10 10:39:23 EDT 1999

Mike, Antique Electronic Supply carries five types of PC mount 9-pin
miniature replacement sockets. If there's enough vertical clearance in
the IM-11, you might consider the standoff type socket which provides
an air gap for better cooling:

 P-ST9-215    Stand off, white, plastic $2.95
 P-ST9-215B Stand off, bakelite         $2.80
 P-ST9-216    Stand off, bakelite          $2.50 

The standard 9-pin PC mount sockets are:

 P-ST9-218 Bakelite              $1.50
 P-ST9-217 Phenolic wafer $1.50

You can get more info from Dwight at info at tubesandmore.com

Hope this helps.


On Wed, 9 Jun 1999 21:58:18 -0700, you wrote:

>The 9 pin tube socket (printed circuit board type with "wrap around" tube
>pin holders) in an IM-11 VTVM doesn't grip the tube pins very well anymore
>resulting in occassional meter hard over conditions until the unit is
>opened and the 12AU7 wiggled around.  Does anyone know of a fix for the
>socket or know of a source for new sockets?  Bending the tube pins seems
>sort of like cheating.

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