Classified Ads for Heath Linear Amps

Robert S. Capon RobCap at AOL.COM
Wed Mar 3 19:16:06 EST 1999

Have you guys ever noticed ads for Heathkit Linears?  They always say stuff
like: "SB-221.  Excellent condition, 9 out of 10.  Used only 30 minutes of on-
air times, so tubes are like brand new."

Have you ever wondered why every SB-221 has only been used less than one hour?

If I ever sold my amplifier (it's not for sale--you wouldn't want it), the
classified would sound more like this: "SB-1000.  Cosmetically clean, but a
workhorse that has been battle-tested in hundreds of hours of DX pileups.  Amp
seems to put out full power, but has numerous occasions of amp-abuse,
including transmitting without antenna hooked up when the 3-500 glowed an
intense bright orange, and numerous shortcuts in a compromise 'full power'
tune-up procedure during the heat of DX combat.  Clean but well used, and
occasionally abused.  This amp is a monument to the ruggedness of the 3-500.
Serious offers only."


Rob, W3DX

P.S.  Never by a used SB-1000 from W3DX.  But I will be posting a few unbuilt
kits for sale during the next month.  I've acquired a number of unbuilt kits,
and I'm running out of space again, so will be doing a "shack-cleaning".  I
think the kits in the guest room go, or I go.

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