SB-104A Problem

Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Mon Mar 15 08:45:50 EST 1999

Many thanks to all who responded to Gary Harmon's post on my behalf
regarding the 10-meter problem with my spare SB-104A, and to Gary for
posting it.

I'll proceed today on the various advice received.  Consensus seems to
be it's oscillating on some frequency other than 10-meters for some
reason.  Unfortunately, I have neither a frequency counter nor a
spectrum analyzer, so will have to do it the hard tuning
another RX to find out where the signal actually is, and scanning the
signal with the SB-614 scope.

Again, many thanks to all.  If anyone else has any ideas, they would be
most welcome!


P.S.:  Murray has named it well--the SOB-104A...  :  0  )


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