MR 1010 wiring change?

Huttinger Huttinger at FOOTHILL.NET
Mon Mar 15 22:43:06 EST 1999

Hi all,
    I am delighted with a Heath MR 1010 direction finder radio I acquired
recently but I notice that the sense antenna won't work unless I reverse the
wires from the ferrite antenna.  I simply unplugged the black and green
wires going from the receiver front end to the ferrite antenna where they
connect on a terminal strip and plugged them back in with the green going to
black and black going to green.  I checked the schematic and the MR 1010 was
accurately wired as I received it.  I also checked the assembly instructions
step by step and they agreed with the schematic.  As soon as I reversed the
wires the set performed flawlessly.  Before reversing the wires the sense
antenna had no effect when activated.   I looked on the Heath page on the
internet but there were no service bulletins for the MR 1010.  Is it
possible Heath got the wires from the receiver front end to the ferrite
antenna reversed?  I disassembled the ferrite antenna and traced the wiring
when I received the radio from where the wires are wound onto the ferrite
antenna rod to the point where they connect to the receiver front end.  The
step by step instructions and the schematic agreed with the wiring I saw so
no mistakes were made in assembly of the kit.  Has anyone heard anything
about this?
Mike Huttinger

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