WTB Heath HF SSB Tranceiver
Mon Mar 22 21:53:17 EST 1999
Hello all,
In my early Ham days I built a DX-35, DX-100, Twoer, Sixer, Scopes, VTVMs and
other same vintage support hardware. I've always wanted a good Heathkit TUBE
type 80-10m SSB tranceiver and now that I'm semi-retired, I'm going to go for it. I need
some Heathkit expert opinion: which ones are considered the best and does anyone
have one for sale. I can generally fix em' if they're broke, so that's no problem.
I'm also trying to find one of the Ted Crosby homebrew HBR-8/11/12/13/16 receivers
or most of the parts.
73s Kees K5BCQ
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