Regenerative Receivers

Nathan Anspach Nathanan at AOL.COM
Wed May 5 18:28:54 EDT 1999

My first receiver was a Lafayette ExplorAir, a three tube regenerative
receiver I built from a kit during eighth grade.  Once I got it working, it
worked very well except for hum.  I used the Lafayette when I got my novice
license and it worked ok for CW on 40 meters with my homebrewed one tube
transmitter.  I think that the ExplorAir is similar to the Knight
SpaceSpanner and another one by Heath.  The regenerative radios work well,
but are contankerous.  By the way, I upgraded to a BC348 military superhet
rig a few years later.

If you are interested in regenerative rigs, the TenTec one looks good and
would be fun to build.  I think that MFJ also has a kit regenerative rig.

I like the direct conversion rigs better though.
Nathan N4VFS

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