
James D. Mayfield kb9bnr at REVEALED.NET
Sun May 16 19:02:16 EDT 1999

The Banquet ticket to the Joe Walsh concert has been sold. My thanks to the
several smart ass's that pointed out to me that his name is Joe, not Joel.
Big deal, Like I give a damm..

Sent before...

I have a friend that can not make it to Dayton, I bought his ticket from
him, but he still has a $40.00 Banquet dinner/Joel Walsh concert ticket. If
your interested in it, it's yours for $30.00, we can meet Friday in the
Flea market. If interested please respond ASAP, I am leaving Thursday at
4pm CDT from EN41, you could call me at my office from 10am CDT to 4pm,
except at lunch 12noon to 10pm.

By the way Joel Walsh is a Collins man, now I am on topic.


Dave Mayfield KB9BNR
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