Hello, two models?

Stewart Lyon stu_w6cux at JUNO.COM
Thu May 20 02:32:27 EDT 1999

I have a HR-1680 and am quite familiar with its operation.  This rx was
intended to replace the HR-10 as a beginner receiver and is a cut below
the SB-301 & 303.  It does NOT have a digital display.  The VFO dial is
two planetary drives in series and is similar to the HW-101 with all it's
faults. It uses audio-derived AGC, a crystal filter for SSB and a sharp
audio filter for CW. There is no provision for AM or RTTY. The speaker
usually sold with it is the HS-1662 -- no internal speaker.  The power is
normal 120VAC mains with provision for batteries. I don't think you would
be happy with the HR-1680.

The SB-650 is special purpose counter intended for the SB-101, -301 line.
It counts the 3 oscillators (LMO, het & BFO) to calculate the incoming
signal's frequency.  The HQ-129 operates an entirely different way and
the SB-650 is totally incompatable with it.

If you are looking for a general purpose all-mode receiver with digital
readout I would recommend an older transceiver.  I use a Kenwood TS440
(circa 1988) for this purpose.  As a bonus, I can also transmit with it.

73, Stu W6CUX

On Wed, 19 May 1999 18:47:36 -0700 Eugene Hertz <eugene_hertz at YAHOO.COM>
>Hello there list,
>I'm looking to put together some gear and I thought I
>would solicit your collective expertise!
>The first question I have has to do with the HR-1680
>Receiver...I'm looking for a general purpose receiver
>with digital display and this might fit the bill...
>Does anyone know where I can find information on this
>radio? (on the web or elsewhere) I saw one for sale.
>Can it do voice,cw and other modes? Does it have a
>speker? Power?
>Second question I have has to do with the sb650
>digital display.  I have an old hammarlund hq-129-X
>that I thought it would be useful to connect a digital
>display.  I understand that the 650 is used to convert
>a dial-type heathkit radio for a digital display.
>Can anyone tell me if this can be used in a generic
>fashion? Can it be used on my hammarlund? Does it
>connect to a VFO somehow?
>Any thoughts? Advice? Experience!?
>Thanks in advance
>73 Eugene

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