Treasurers for Sale

Ed Mosher wa8zvo at JUNO.COM
Sun May 23 18:58:25 EDT 1999

Fellow Greenies; I'm Back....

With a few more recently located items from my Junque Boxe and a couple
leftovers from Fiebich's finds:

Electricity/Electronic learning text books:
"Basic Electricity" book set, Vols 1-5    (Copyright  1954)
"Basic Electronics" book set, Vols 1-6  (Copyright 1955)

Both sets are Rider publications; Van Valkenburgh, Nooger & Neville
authors. These are vintage books in great shape - look almost unread!
Lots of hams started with these books.  Taking offers on one or both.

Silver front panel for Heathkit O-10 O'scope.  Black screening, slight
        $20 postpaid

Heath ETI-7510 Digital Troubleshooting Course and Tools:
        Includes IC clips, Logic Probe and Logic Pulser, Course book.
$50 ppd.

Sencore FE-21  FET Multimeter with test leads, manual.  Takes 2-9v and
'c' cell
        A '9' for condition.  Vintage  1974.   What's it worth?

FYI,  the only things I have left from the Fiebich estate are a bunch of
tubes of unknown condition, miscellaneous parts (including Heath and
non-Heath),  and the following books/Manuals.  I'd appreciate anyone
having info on who would be interested in these to email me.

Service Notes on Record Players, Changers, Wireless Sets and Recorders

Perpetual Trouble Shooters Manuals:  Vols  IX, XI, XII, XIII, XV

Sams "Record Changer Service Manual",  1947

Sams "Photofact Television Course",  1949

Everett Piano Service and Installation manual, Everett "ORGATRON" STM-1

Thanks to all!

Ed Mosher
WA8ZVO at JUNO.COM         Formerly  "One of the Hams at Heath"

 **The most valuable "things" in our lives are not things! **

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