clocks and a shortwave

charles w. morehouse cwmorehouse at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Sun May 30 04:37:17 EDT 1999

All the parts are standard except the processor. It is common but as I
understand must be programmed. There was a thread on Heathkit a few
weeks ago on this subject. Try there. Also a gentelman had some of them
for sale. Didn't keep as must clear the in-box from time to time. As a
matter of fact the in-box cleared itself two days ago. Will follow with
interest if you publish on the server. Lots of luck, 73.

Cosmic96 at wrote:
> Charles,
>      I've been told that the Most Accurate Clock can be easily converted to
> include the RS-232 output.  Can you give me some feedback on this?  Thanks.

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