Ray A. Allen, Sr. w2kbr at PCBANK.NET
Sun May 30 15:31:50 EDT 1999

Keepers of the Green Gear:
        We got meters here.  VTVMs, couple 7As, and 11, an m-21 (AC)
all working..and a m-18 that needs a power cord and cabinet re-do.

These are working meters, not show pieces....but, alas no probes, but
I understand they are readily available from Ratshack, Techam, etcetc

$25.00/meter (cept for the m-18, "as-is" price of $10.00)

all plus shipping/mailing costs.......
Ray A. Allen, Sr., W2KBR/3
8303 Grainfield Rd.,
Severn, Maryland, 21144-2331

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