Everclear & 100% alcohol

Mike Morris morris at COGENT.NET
Sat Jun 17 01:02:33 EDT 2000

You can always buy a bottle of cheap proof vodka and put
it in the freezer section of your refrigerator overnight.
Here in the California you can get 100 proof, it may be
different in other states.  200 proof is 100% alcohol,
100 proof is 50% alcohol, you can figure from there.

No matter - freezing it locks up the water in the original
bottle, and since alcohol freezes at a much lower temperature
it stays liquid allowing pouring the alcohol to a rag for
cleaning something, or even pouring the alcohol into a
separate bottle for storage...


At 07:02 PM 06/16/2000 , you wrote:
>Taking up on some advice given in several recent letters, this morning I
>went to the local liquor store and drug store for everclear and 100%
>alcohol.  I was told at the liquor store that everclear was taken off the
>market a year ago.  The pharmacist said he did not sell 100% alcohol.
>Any more ideas?
>The liquor store claimed that the college kids brought the everclear to
>an end.  I guess they aren't kept as busy at the schools now as we were
>40 years ago. ......

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