
john johnmb at MINDSPRING.COM
Mon Mar 27 18:53:41 EST 2000

At 05:23 PM 3/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Was just reading my copy of the "QCWA Journal" Spring 2000. In it is a
>story "Ramsy Electronics Radied by Federal US Customs Agents" by Gerry
>Wentz, KC4EHT. In the story "they confiscated over $30,000 of his
>I don't think they'll be open tomorrow.

        Oh they are open!

        This was discussed at some length on USEnet and there's
been some postings from Ramsey. Seems the government perceived
their hobby -type "spy bugs" as serious espionage gear, aiding and
abetting a criminal enterprise, thus necessitating swooping out of
the sky and clobbering a small businessman where it hurts.

        I dont know what rock these clowns crawl out from
under, but I wish they'd find something useful to do. Perhaps
real criminals are too dangerous to pursue?

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