Heathkit EK-1

Gordon Brandly gbrandly at HOME.COM
Mon Nov 27 12:35:08 EST 2000

I restored my old EK-1 last year. It still works fine, but when I compared
its readings to my best digital multimeter I found out just how inaccurate
it is now.  :-(
Of course, the meter relies on the accuracy of various fixed resistors
inside (no calibration pots), since it was a low-cost kit that was perfect
for teenagers like me who had next to no money. :-)

It was one of my first Heathkits, and I still fondly remember the thrills I
got as I completed each section of the EK-1 course and it *actually worked*!

-----Original Message-----
From: Heathkit Owners and Collectors List
[mailto:HEATH at LISTSERV.TEMPE.GOV]On Behalf Of Jack Crenshaw
Sent: November 26, 2000 11:38 AM
Subject: Heathkit EK-1

Check out eBay Item #501231889, "Heathkit EK-1 Ohm Meter Excellent
Condition."  It's
apparently a VOM, but a model I didn't even know existed.  Beats anything I
ever saw.
Anyone here recognize it.

Also, on the subject of expensive unbuilts, see Item #504042351, currently
priced at $510
<!!!!>.  I just bought a built version of the same thing for $19.95.


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