FS: SB-630 Station Console

Bob Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Sat Oct 14 00:28:07 EDT 2000

Ladies and Gentlemen ..

I'm continuing to try to cut down my supply of 'goodies' and so the
SB-630 is on the block. I picked this up a couple of month's ago
thinking it would go well with my SB line which it will but....well, one
has to cut down someplace.

As most of you know, the SB-630 is a combination digital clock, SWR
meter, hybrid phone patch and 10 minute timer. The unit seems to be in
quite good shape.  Does have the feet and an original manual (with the
construction steps marked off).  The clock does run but does make a bit
of noise.  I have not tried the phone patch or VSWR meter other than
checking that things power up without smoke.  The VSWR bridge pickup
unit is missing the top cover.  Otherwise everything looks fine.  I can
take some digital pictures of it and recommend that you ask for pictures
if you are interested.

As for price, I'm open to offers.  Please email me direct at
bob.groh at ieee.org.  I will consider all offers and may ask, if ties, if
someone wants to rebid higher.  I may also come to my senses and decide
to keep it!  I estimate the shipping weight will be about 10 pounds
which means about $10 for shipping.  As always, satisfaction guaranteed.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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