Glueing Tube Bases

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Wed Jan 3 16:14:07 EST 2001

OK for those who care - this is the last one I will forward on
the topic. You all have PLENTY of safety advice & tips
now,  so go start glueing tubes & bases back together
already!! He he!  (73 de AF4K)

From:                   "Donald Chester" <k4kyv at>
AM Amateur Radio Reflector -

I have used epoxy on unetched glass.  It seems to adhere ok.
I have noticed that crystal clear epoxy turns brown with heat.
I repaired an 810 with the stuff, and it eventually turned black
as coal, but the tube base held.  I have also used it to glue
grid and plate caps on.  I have  also used "cold weld"
which is a grey epoxy sold in automotive shops.
The directions say you can use it to glue up cracked engine

The original tube base glue seems to be the best bet.
Even the plate caps on transmitting tubes resist the heat.

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