Variable condenser part wanted

Bruce Barley kb0pzd at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun Jul 22 15:33:02 EDT 2001

Hello Fred and the list -

For long term dimensional stability in the presence of high voltage,
especially at RF levels, LEXAN (mfg. by GE) would be my material of choice.
It is available as sheet, rod, and bar stock. There are plastics suppliers
on the internet that will sell in small quantities to hobbiests. Lexan is an
amazing material.... it's also a principal material used in the construction
of motorcycle face-plates and helmets.
Try to use the clear, rather than colored LEXAN.  Sometimes there are filler
materials used to add color that are not so well behaved around RF.

Best wishes and 73's
Bruce  KB0PZD

>From: Fred Holnagel <w7prv at JUNO.COM>
>Reply-To: Fred Holnagel <w7prv at JUNO.COM>
>Subject: Variable condenser part wanted
>Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 08:34:24 -0700
>HELP!  Not a very big item but I really need for my amplifier project. I
>have an unknown mfr. split stator variable with handwritten legend 202pf@
>3500 volts.  It may be a Cardwell or Hammarlund or National???? Anyway,
>one of the ceramic bars on the stator section is broken, much to my
>dismay. The size is 4.25" long  x5/8"w X 1/4" thick.  The two end holes
>appear to fit a size 10 bolt and are 3.75" apart. There are two other
>holes to fit a size 8 bolt that are 3/4" apart centered in the middle of
>the 4.25" length.  I could make one of Lucite but not sure of the
>dialectric properties. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks for the
>space. Fred W7PRV
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