Reproduction Circuit Boards

Bill Smith ko4nrbs at YAHOO.COM
Wed Mar 14 10:16:00 EST 2001

FAR Circuits is very interested in reproducing circuit
borads for old Dentron GLA-series amplifers (GLA1000,
A,B,&C).  As I was prepairng to send FAR some old
boards to use for reverse engineering it came to me
that there may be a need for Heathkit boards as well.
I've always wanted to replace the poor qulaity and
dmaged boards in my HW 101 with new boards of modern

If anyone is intersted in pursuing this contact FAR
circuits.  It would help to have a list of people that
need new boards!!

FAR Circuits E-Mail address:
farcir at
Bill Smith KO4NR

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