SB-610 & SB-620 information/comparison please?

Bob, WB2UJD BobbyTrip at AOL.COM
Mon Apr 1 16:02:53 EST 2002

Help educate someone who couldn't afford such luxuries (at the time), but who
still has their rig and wants to augment it with some cool stuff for a
vintage station with some new bells and whistles!

What can you do with each of these visual station aids?  What can one do that
the other can't?  How similar are they?

I know the 610 can generate two tone, (good for checking intermod performance
I assume).  I have a linear which I have Swan linear I have restored, this
might be just the ticket to avoid a messy signal on SSB when it goes on an
antenna instead of a dummy load!

They both appear to be able to display spectrum of the band being operated on.

I guess the long and short of it is:  Which one should I be looking to
acquire? (something I hope to formulate based on knowing what exactly each
can do)

Thanks in advance for any help and to people who have responded to recent
queries I have posted.  This is a great group.


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