Heathkit - O-rings for HW-100, 101 or SB-100, SB-101, SB-102 O rings

Jim Larsen - AL7FS AL7FS at ARRL.NET
Tue Apr 23 14:55:14 EDT 2002

With a Subject line such as " Love Affair with old HW 100 Tube Xcvr. "
nobody will be able to search archives and find this information.  I
have consolodated the latest thread and changed the subject adding in a
few key words for searching.  I encourage everyone to instantly change a
subject line when it does not direct the readers to the subject matter
within the email.

73, Jim
Jim Larsen, AL7FS, Anchorage, Alaska
(BP51cc) - 61.101 North, 149.824 West
mailto:al7fs at arrl.net - http://www.qsl.net/al7fs/

 Tracy <n1rkt at BLOMAND.NET

 The quickest replacement for the drive belts I have found is your local
 auto parts store. Take your old drive belt in and tell them you need a
 replacenment O-Ring and have them match it. Beware if you go to some of
the dept. store type autoparts ie. adapt, autozone they will tell you
they have to have make and model or they cant match it BOOK IDIOTS so
 tell the it is a water pump seal off some 1920 forien job and then they
can just matcth it up. Dont try to tell them it belongs tro a radio they
don't stock radio parts!

 Good Luck '73
 Tracy N1RKT

 ejforwood Jerold Forwood <ejforwood at msn.com

 My local "Ace Hardware" Has a cabinet with O-Rings of every diameter
 thickness you could imagine.  Hey! it ain't rocket science.  Hardware
 parts come from hardware stores, at least good ones. Not WalMart.
 Jerry, K0EJF

 Jordan Arndt <jordana at NUCLEUS.COM

 The only thing to watch out for is too much tension on the belts which
 will wear on the capacitor bearings , and eventually cause the caps to
need replacement... 73 de Jordan...


 Bob, WB2UJD" <BobbyTrip at AOL.COM

 The O-ring which works perfectly is 2" I.D., 2 1/8" O.D. and is 3/32"
 thick. I believe the commonly used number used to refer to it is 32.
 This is all from memory, I will confirm it when I can have a look at my
 o-ring kit.  I bought an o-ring assortment on Ebay.  You can get them
 for right around $10, I bought a snap ring and o-ring set together for
 something like $12.  If you do this, make sure the kit goes up to this
 size.  You will then have so many o-rings you will be leaving them to
 your grandchildren ;-)

 Bob, WB2UJD

 ejforwood Jerold Forwood <ejforwood at msn.com

 The same would be true of the ones from the auto parts store, or eBay,
 or wherever.  You also have to be sure to select ones that won't slip
 your dials will constantly be moving and making it hard to return
 quickly to where it loaded last time. I also noticed that people are
 selling sets of three.  My manual calls for only the two for the
 drive/preselector variable caps.  It shows a dial cord and spring for
 the final load cap.
 Jerry, K0EJF

 "Bob, WB2UJD" <BobbyTrip at AOL.COM

  My manual calls for only the two for the drive/preselector  variable
  It shows a dial cord and spring for the final load cap.

 The later HW-101's had an O-ring for the final load cap as well.  It is
a larger diameter and thicker from what I can tell.  Maybe that is what
the third is for.  I won't say what I think of the  practice of selling
 for the prices I have seen, but it isn't what a true ham would do...

 Bob, WB2UJD

 John Barkow <KD6PT at AOL.COM

 The belts are available at Pep Boys as Water Outlet Gaskets.
 The large gasket is  FEL-PRO 35327 and the two smaller ones are FEL-PRO
 They are arounda buck a piece and work fine.
 John kd6pt

 Mark Johnson/Ontario/IBM <mjohnson at CA.IBM.COM

 The issue of replacement belts seems to come up every few months and I
 feel compelled to offer my opinion on this subject each time. Again, my
 opinion only and I do not mean to appear to be chastising anyone by any
 means. So,
 here goes....Be very careful with belt tension as too much tension,
 especially on the Final Load Cap, can cause actual variable cap shaft
 bending and shorting. Heath actually issued a bulletin on later model
 HW-101's that had the builder/owner install dial cords and get rid of
 the belts on the load cap. I've seen at least 3 bent shafts and shorted
 plates in my travels with Heath units. Dial cord is easy to string and
 if done right puts zero tension on that very looooooong load cap shaft.
 Thanks for the bandwidth folks!

 Mark V. Johnson

  [dialcord mod.jpg]


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