heathkit hw-101, sb-101 and sb102 lever knob

mike bryce prosolar at SSSNET.COM
Fri Dec 27 14:41:27 EST 2002

Boys and girls...

I am working with a company that may be able to make the cs ssb lever knob
that so many of us need.

they will fire up the injection molding machine for as little as a 500 pc

the charges are as follows:

model charge
set up charge
run charge based on piece count

right now, I don't have any numbers to give you, but gut feeling is the
knobs will be between $6 and $8 each...

the knob will fit the hw 101 and the rest of the sb series. it's also used
in some of the monitor scopes as well.

I know I'll get burnt on this offer, but I really need to know if there is
enough interest at $6-$8 each to go after this in more detail.

If there is little interest here in a group of over 600 hams that collect
heathkits then I have my doubts that the general ham population will be
interested either.

So, there you have it.. let me know one way or the other..

Mike Bryce WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems


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