Use Of 6146Ws In SB-400

Kechkaylo Dave (ATLINKS) KechkayloD at TCE.COM
Thu Jan 10 08:54:26 EST 2002

To All:

I have just recently re-tubed my SB-400 finals with a new set of 6146Ws. The
finals neutralized just fine, and operate perfectly normal in this rig. Grid
and plate currents are within specs. In fact, I've noticed absolutely no
operational difference in this SB-400 when I've used either the 6146As or
6146Ws; both types neutralize properly and operate basically the same in
terms of power developed into the load, and tube currents. I was told that
6146Ws will work FB in this rig, and they do. Besides, they're much less
expensive to obtain new (from RF Parts), since they have lots of the "W",
ruggedized-version, available.

I would be interested to hear what others have to say about this: if they've
encountered problems in their SB-gear using 6146Ws, since the design of the
final section of these rigs are all pretty much the same throughout the SB

Thanks, and regards,

Dave Kechkaylo, W8DLK

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