SB-104 to SB-104A Modifications Manual

Sandy and Kees Talen windy10605 at JUNO.COM
Wed Jun 5 13:58:47 EDT 2002

I still have several copies left.

This is a nice COPY of the 40 page SBM-104-2 Manual
which gives all the details on modification of the SB-104
boards and chassis to the SB-104A level. Quite handy
since many of the boards were swapped between rigs
over the years and you don't know if all the fixes were
installed on each board. Beats trying to go through the
104/104A schematics. The manual states "The purpose
of the Modification Kit is to update your SB-104 Transceiver
to reflect all the latest Heathkit engineering improvements.
When the changes are completed, your Transceiver will
be identical to the Heathkit SB-104A Transceiver".

$10 including shipping in the US.

73s  Kees K5BCQ

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