D-104 question

Bob, WB2UJD BobbyTrip at AOL.COM
Thu Jun 27 14:30:25 EDT 2002

OK guys, I am hot on the trail to buy a D-104 after reading all the fine
responses to my HW/SB mic question.

Many of these D-104's have the amplified base.  Some have a PTT switch in the
base in addition to the one up the side of the tube.  I assume that any of
these can be wired up to correctly work as a Hi-z mic (heads are all the
same?), removing the amp if present, etc...

So my question is:  Does anyone know where to find or have comprehensive
information on how to set up (rewire, etc...) a given D-104 (in any of its
permutations) to a Hi-z configuration?

Perhaps it is all very simple and I seem to recall reading that these usually
have a schematic in the base, forgive me if it is a dumb question.  I
probably can figure out how/what to do, but with all of the collective
knowledge here thought I would ask.  I do know that the HW/SB wiring is
simple and is PTT to ground, mic to ground and a common ground lead, should
just be 3 wires needed.

Thanks and 73,


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