New kit website

Ken Kaplan krk at IX.NETCOM.COM
Thu Mar 14 21:17:23 EST 2002

  This is just a note to let you all know that I built a new website to present
information on Allied Radio KnightKits and EICO kits. It was inspired by Dale's
(KB9JJA) Heathkit Matrix. My intention is to document by picture and specification all
of the kits offered by these two companies. I am also going to try to document as
much of the history of these two companies as I can. Why? Three reasons:

1. To help fellow hobbyists understand what may be available in the used market to
enhance their enjoyment of their hobbies.
2. As far as I can tell, it hasn't been done.
3. I'm crazy.

  I would appreciate hearing comments both good and bad from all of you. If you
have any material that you would like to contribute to the site, I'd be happy to include
it. The site address is:

Ken kb7rgg

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