Radio Shack "Specials"

j diefenbach jdief at TELLINK.NET
Wed Apr 23 09:12:48 EDT 2003

The 21-905 Fibre-glass whip, cut for CB, is being discontinued and offerred at $0.01!! That's 1 (as in ONE) Cents! I'm sure you could cut to 10 or 6 meters.

Also, the 21-533 SWR/Field Strength meter will be selling (out) at $2.97! It should work great for those HF QRP rigs. Anyway, where can you find a meter movement alone for that price?

There are also assorted leather carry cases that might fit the VX-5 and similar-sized HTs also selling for $0.01.

jd, K1TLV

John Diefenbach, K1TLV
Mason, NH 
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If you treat Americans well, they will always want to treat you better."
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