Manual Request

John Cusick john at CUSICK.WS
Thu Jun 19 16:30:05 EDT 2003

A few months ago I had asked if anyone had the schmatic/manual for the
Heathkit Model A1 amplifier. One gentleman on the list replied that he
may have one but he was out of town when he'd replied and would get back
to me after he returned home.  Unfortunately I lost the email and never
heard back. I have searched everywhere on the 'net that I can think of
and I have found no references for the A-1. Any help would be

Second, (stuff just keeps cropping up in boxes after my recent move and
yanking things out of storage) I came across a Heathkit paddle keyer
dis-assembled in a box. I also have no manual/schematic for this and I'm
in need of one since an unmarked transistor has broken off the board and
also I need the instructions to put it back together and use it.

Unfortunately, it had belonged to a heavy smoker and unused for years,
so it collected LOTS of sticky dust  I took it apart a few years ago and
put some mild soap and water to the case and all the markings came off
with the grunge :-(

As a result, I'm not even sure what model this keyer is. The only thing
I can find is a part number for the circuit board: 85-94P320,P321

I believe it is the HD-10 since the box is rectangular and sloped,
unlike the square HD-1410. Bama has the schematic and partial manual,
but I actually need the assembly and usage instructiions, too.


John Cusick <john at>

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