VTVM resistors

Ron ra.ah at RCN.COM
Tue May 13 09:02:27 EDT 2003

I recently picked up an IM-13 bench VTVM (the one with the
large meter). After some dusting and cleaning it looks
fabulous -- almost like new. The only problem is that it's
grossly inaccurate. One reason are the scaling resistors,
some of which are way off their 1% rating. These resistors
have non-standard values and were probably made specifically
for VTVMs; possibly, specifically for Heathkit. Does anyone
know where (and if) they are available?

Specifically, I need 90 Ohm to 9M in all multipliers (that is,
90, 900, 9K, etc.), 21.62K to 2.162M in all multipliers and
68.38K to 6.838M in all multipliers.


-- Ron

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