Matching SB paints

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Sun Oct 19 18:54:28 EDT 2003

I don't know about the HD-15, but the SB-610 suffers
from the same multiple paint jobs that the rest of the
SB-Line has!

The color of paint that you have found matches pretty
much the shade that I have "settled on".

Also, there is an article about using various "off the
shelf" paints on Heath equipment on both of the
webpages that are listed at the end of this message.
One of those that I found was at the "other" end of
the Heath paint scale, more green in its hue.  That is
what I was using before I started getting paint mixed
by Sherwin-Williams.  Of course I now have a paint gun
and don't have to worry about spray paint cans.  The
paint is much cheaper when you have a paint gun, but
there is the initial cost of the gun to be considered.
 For the "causual" painter spray cans are the best.

Glen, K9STH

--- "Jim Simmons, kf4tun" <kf4tun at> wrote:

The shade I am talking about is that light gray blue
they had.
> Look at a HD-15 phone patch or a sb-610

Glen, K9STH

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