Need help designing attenuator pad to help signal tracing an HW-12A

Sun Oct 3 16:16:13 EDT 2004

The HW-12A that I purchased a while ago needs some signal tracing to find
out why there is significant sensitivity loss in the receiver. The S meter
reads S-1 on signals that should be many db over S-9. All resistance checks
and static DC voltages seem OK. I did find a bad tube socket and that has
now been replaced. I suspect the problem is in the first or second IF stage.

According to the Heathkit manual,  I need to inject  2305 KHz at 15000 uV at
test point R2, 1500 uV at test point R3 and 50 uV at test point R4 with an
impedance of 50 Ohms.  My old Heatkit signal generator is a rather primitive
device and is not calibrated.

My thought was to calibrate my signal generator with my scope at the 1.5
volt level and then build an attenuator pad to reduce the generator signal
voltage level to the required level for testing.

15000 uV is  1.5 x 10**(-3) volts or a reduction of 1000   or db = 20 log
(1000/1)   = 60 db
1500   uV is  1.5 x 10**(-4) volts or a reduction of 10000 or db = 20 log
(10000/1) = 80 db

If some EE type of this list could verify the above calculations, that would
be great.  Based on the above
calculations (if they are correct)  I would need to build a 60 and 80 db pad
with a 50 ohm input and output impedance for test points R2 and R3.

I've browsed with Google but have not found anything too useful on this
topic.  If anyone could point me to a good reference on the design of a 50
ohm to 50 ohm attenuator pads, it would be greatly appreciated. If anyone in
the Ottawa area has a calibrated signal generator that I could borrow, that
would even be better.

73, de Bernie, VE3FWF, Ottawa, Canada.

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