FREE Heathkit HD-4040 TNCs and a HDA-4040-1 Status Indicator with Manuals

Eric Pierce eric_pierce at SYMPATICO.CA
Sun Apr 3 16:44:42 EDT 2005

I am giving away FREE to a good home TWO Heathkit HD-4040 TNCs and a 
HDA-4040-1 Status Indicator, complete with manuals.

This is an original TAPR TNC-1 clone (similar to the AEA PKT-1),  just 
what you need to round out your Heathkit ham radio collection.

One of them powers up, displays a prompt and responds to the DISP 
command from a TerraTerm dumb terminal emulator. The other one appears 
dead, and has some extra holes and bad scratches.

Goes to first person to send me the shipping cost to your address, I 
estimate between $20 and $30 US worst case to Canada or Continental US. 
Let me know your address and I will calculate the cost.

If nobody wants them, they are going to be scrapped for parts as I have 
no room for them.

Thanks a lot


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