SB-401 Resistor R17 correct wattage?

Michael Waldrop w5rkl at YAHOO.COM
Sun Dec 31 16:46:51 EST 2006

Good afternoon,
  I'm working on an SB-401. The final has a resistor, R17 680 ohm, that is in the
  final amplifier's screen supply. A previous owner installed a 2 watt 680 ohm 
  resistor, did a horrible job. The resistor has very short leads and it's soldered to
  a piece of thick wire and I'd like to replace it and clean up the mess. I don't have
  the original assembly manual. I only have the bama manual which does not include
  the assembly portion. The schematic is a bit fuzzy. I have a 1/2 watt resistor which
  I think is the correct wattage but I want to make sure. No I don't want to smoke a
  resistor just to find out :)
  Anyway, any suggestions and does anyone have an original SB-401 assembly manual
  that can verify R17 as being a 1/2 watt 680 ohm resistor? R17 is the resistor shown
  on figure 2-3, one lead on terminal strip "P" and the other end on the wire between V10 and
  V11 pins 3. 
  Another problem it has is no plate current. There's high voltage on the plates of the finals
  and all the oscillators are working; I can hear them in a seperate receiver loud and clear.
  I've removed the driver tube, 6CL6, to make sure it's working and it is. I can adjust the signal strength of the SPOT signal in SPOT plus the PLATE control also varies the SPOT signal strength. But, in TUNE, there's no plage current. The relays close, both of them, so it's
  not the relays (not closing). I suspect both finals have bit the dust.
  Any suggestions and if someone has a complete assembly manual that can check R17 to
  verify it's a 1/2 watt resistor. It's the resistor shown in figure 2-3 in the alignment section. I
  don't have a page number but you'll find it in the alignment section.
  Happy New Year and thanks.

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