Question on grounding

John Darwin Powers jdp3 at CORNELL.EDU
Wed Jul 12 10:18:48 EDT 2006

Hi there,

Watching this develop, I see a lot of good wisdom.  I work in a lab  
where we are interested in weak signals, noise with computers  
(switchers = noise), and hellishly large current suckers like lasers  
and AC motor controllers.  Teaching students about common grounds is  
Grounding rods for the antenna, patterned if possible is preferred,  
as this becomes the reference for the radiated signal.  Each  
individual rod should come to a common point, nearby if possible,  
with each "as large as possible" conductor being of the same length.   
This common point becomes the reference for all others ... station  
equipment, and utility ground tie-in, and maybe even your water  
pipes.  Differential, common mode voltage to some, exists when there  
is a resistance between two points with a different source potential  
present, or when there is a point between two equi-potential sources,  
with the resistances from the point between the point and the two  
sources being different due to the size of the conductors or their  
lengths.  It seems inevitable that different ground sources may exist  
at different potentials when referenced to others, so it follows that  
these will be pulled-down when connected together.  Hence, bring all  
grounds to one point as near to the antenna ground point as possible  
to have the lesser current flow between this point as the main signal  
reference point.  Grounding is like dealing with social opinions ...  
everyone has one, and the difference in view between two people is  
solely related to their common reference of beliefs in their life.   
So goes the philosophy of grounds.  Comments on my philosophy?  Any  
views on copper sulfate?


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