[heathkit] SB series: Rubber feet (standard)/ Plastic risers (tall height ) / Plastic risers (medium height) WHERE TO BUY 'BEST' substitutes ( Looks wise! )

Robert Myers rsmyers at ROGERS.COM
Mon Jun 2 23:00:13 EDT 2008

Hello Paul,

What were the part numbers you chose for those three items?

 1. The "Rubber foot" (Heath #261-9) - fits the old slotted
    pan head 6-32 screw, and has space up inside it for a
    #6 washer.

 2. The "Plastic foot spacer" (Heath #255-59) - usually at
    cabinet front, the 'risers' have the rubber feet screwed
    on to them.

 3. The "Plastic foot" (Heath #261-25) - a medium size
    plastic back foot, with no rubber feet attached to the
    bottom [allowing cabinets of less depth to line up
    nicely (same slant) with fully raised fronts of other
    'SB' gear].

Unfortunately, I bought a bunch of rubber feet that looked
really good (in their package) from a local electronics store.

But then I noticed at home, that the screw head does not go
far enough up in to the rubber foot.  If the rubber flattens
out just slightly, the screw head would be touching the desk
surface and scratching it.

Not only that, but the screw was Phillips 4-40 *round* head,
causing it to be even closer to touching the desk should the
rubber rim around the screw head compress just a bit.  As
for the wrong size drilled whole, I figured I could drill it
out wider to 6-32, and just use the old proper Heath screws.

The genuine Heath rubber foot (Heath #261-9) allowed the
head of the screws to go farther up into it -- a much better
arrangement, so even with the weight of an SB-401, the
rubber wouldn't compress to the point where the screw head
would be able to touch the table surface. (And they were
slotted *pan* heads, too, with a lower profile.)

-- Any ideas for the best substitutes for these.
-- Anyone please chime in if you have found something good.

--- Rob Myers VE3JQL

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Kraemer [mailto:elespe at lisco.com] 
Sent: June-02-08 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: SB series: Rubber feet (standard)/ Plastic risers (tall height
) / Plastic risers (medium height) - used as complete feet on short
equipment - WHERE TO BUY 'BEST' (Looks wise!)

McMaster Carr has a nice selection of plastic and rubber feet for equipment.

They are listed as bumpers so don't give up if you don't find them right 
I am gradually replacing all of mine to what is available today at a 
reasonable price. If all pieces of a line (Heath or other) have the same 
feet it looks just fine to me and I'm pretty critical.
Paul K0UYA

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