GB> Heathkit LMO's TX vs RX tube

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Tue Apr 28 17:53:25 EDT 2009

Different tubes were used in different units because of the series/parallel arrangement of the heater/filament string.  Tubes with equal current draw had to be put in series for operation from 12.6 volts instead of 6.3 volts.  Basically the performance of the various tubes were virtually identical when used in an oscillator circuit.  If you were to use the Heath LMO as a separate unit then any of the tubes will work fine.

The SB-100, SB-101, SB-110, and the SB-110A all used the same LMOs as the rest of the series.  There were at least 3 different Heath part numbers for the LMOs.

Glen, K9STH


--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Allen Jones <w9dz at> wrote:

Most all of the Heath SB-301's and 401's use the same LMO which is part #110-40. The LMO tube in the 301 is a 6CB6 and the 401 a 6BZ6. Anyone know the reason why? 
I just bought an LMO off eBay as a spare and it had a 6CB6 in the socket so it probably came from a '301. 


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