Worst assembly job ever...

Herman N4Ch N4ch at AOL.COM
Thu Aug 20 01:10:13 EDT 2009

This Heathkit wattmeter assembly job reminds me of one I had  to deal with 
some 40 years ago.   A customer brought a freshly-built  Heathkit AR-15 into 
a shop where I was working.   The AR-15 was a  really nice solid-state 
top-of-the-line AM/FM stereo receiver that retailed for  around $350 back in the 
mid-late 1960s.   It had virtually every  feature imaginable at the time.   
The "builder" had  apparently spent every dime he had available to buy one 
of these kits, but had  not left enough money to buy a soldering 
iron..........and he proceeded to put  the whole kit together using LePage's Liquid 
Solder (nothing more than  metallic-grey colored airplane glue).   Every solder 
joint on every  circuit board and terminal strip was done using this 
plastic cement.    Of course every connection was not much of a connection at all, 
and it took us  quite a bit of convincing to let the guy know that he'd be 
a lot better off  buying a new kit, and starting over........with a real 
soldering  iron.   73, Herman, N4CH.

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